ESG Management

Safety & health management policy for 2024

To create safe and pleasant workplace based on respect for workers’ lives,
Daekyung M&I Co., Ltd takes safety & health activities as utmost priority over other corporate activities
and engage in safety & health activities to achieve zero accident rate across the workplace.

  • Company should ensure safety and good health of workers and strictly comply with safety and health-related laws, regulations, procedures, and other related requirements.

  • Workers, etc., should uphold and observe safety and health-related basic principles.

  • Safety and health management, aiming to create safe workplace, should be taken as top priority over other business management activities to build effective safety and health management system.

  • Safety and health objectives and specific goals, associated with safety and health policy, should be set, and action plan for that should be established and implemented.

  • Safety and health-related competency of employees and stakeholders should be strengthened, along with applicability at worksites, through effective safety and health education/training system such as planning, implementation, evaluation of education/training programs and feedback on such programs, etc.

  • Safety & health risk assessment culture should be built, and its effectiveness should be evaluated to ensure constant improvement.

2024. 01. 03

CEO of Daekyung M&I Co., Ltd.Kim Hak-Tae

Personal Information Processing Policy


Rejection to random collection of email addresses

We reject any unauthorized collection of email addresses from this website by means of email address collection program or other technological devices. Please note that violation of what is stated above will result in criminal punishment as prescribed in the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.

※ Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, Etc.

* Article 50-2 (Prohibition on Unauthorized Collection, Etc. of Email Address) 1. No one shall collect email addresses by using any program and other technical devices that automatically collect email addresses from internet websites containing clear statement that collection of email addresses is prohibited.
2. No one shall sell or distribute email addresses collected in breach of the foregoing Paragraph 1.
3. No on shall willfully use any email address, the collection, sale, and distribution of which are prohibited pursuant to Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2, in transmitting information.

* Article 74 (Penal Provisions)
Any person, who falls under any of the followings, shall be punished by a fine within the range not exceeding 10 million won:
- Any person who puts any label on a product or sells a product bearing the label, or who displays such product with intent to sell it, in violation of Paragraph 4, Article
- Any person who disseminates, sells, leases or openly displays any obscene codes, letters, sound, images, or motion pictures in violation of Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1, Article 44-7
- Any person who makes any codes, letters, sound, images, or motion pictures, evoking fear or anxiety, reach another person repeatedly in violation of Subparagraph 3, Paragraph 1, Article 44-7
- Any person who takes technical measures in violation of Paragraph 6, Article 50
- Any person who transmits advertising information in violation of Article 50-8, or collects, sells, distributes email addresses or use them for transmission of information in violation of Article 50-2
- A person who fails to report any revision to registration, or who fails to file a report on transfer, acquisition, merger, or inheritance of business, in violation of Paragraph 4, Article 53